"Dont touch me yeh bloody Squib!"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Foodery of the Gods

Today was an epic day, and to finish it off I got to take part in going to one of the happiest places on earth. MCDONALDS! However when I eat under the heavenly golden arches I dont even pretend to act like I'm going to eat healthy by ordering some gay ass salad. And I cant even begin to pronounce whatever a yogurt "parfet"is. I go big or go home! Of course I end up ordering the most food in my group and was defintly the first one to get done, but oh well. Even if I'm a closet fatty, I'm sure some people think I'm still beautiful on the inside. Like this hotty:

At least it's Diet Orange soda


"Aren't we all just different shades of black?"- Eminem

May his wise and hateful words guide us forever more.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Friendez Foreverz

Things to buy:
1. college tuition
2.  soul
3. $400 owl to play with my cat so I can sell videos of they're friendship online. 
So I'm sitting here writing on this stupid blog when all of a sudden it begins to rain INSIDE! I don't know if it was bad karma but about ten gallons of water just leaked all over the contents of my closet.
              I now have soggy items 
I still have nightmares about Dobby eating my skin clear off every night!

Reality Bites

Dear J.K. Rowling,
Your books are entirely unrealistic. I mean, a ginger kid with two friends?
This is what they dont tell in D.A.R.E.

New at the helm of the blogging realm

Hello Interwebs,
     this is all very new to me at the moment. What does one talk or write about in a Blog anyway? Do I start by going over the random stuff I do daily or do I mimic other sites and post random photos? By all mean I'm sure I can waste time and energy writing, or whatever I end up doing. If we can kill Osama Bin Biladohadoah.. than I can do this. Enjoy.
There are some REALLY great things in this photo. And yes the gypsy in the wheelchair is one of them